a blog for wizards and muggles who need a Pensieve for Potter

Monday, April 4, 2011

This blog is brought you by Oreos.

So it is 3:26, and I am currently on my bed, with my laptop, eating an Oreo and half a tortilla. I just came back from the first day of school after sprig break. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. Everyone was tired, but its gonna be nice to see my friends everyday.

You will not believe this, but on spring break, my homeroom teacher went to peoples Facebook profiles and told us ASSIGNMENTS to do over break. And she actually thought that everyone did them, so shes asking us to hand them in TOMORROW. All I'm gonna say is that if teachers are gonna stat using Facebook to assign work, we are in trouble.

Usually on Mondays I go to my gymnastics practice ( I'm a gymnasts) but the seasons over now.Since I'm not gonna be running around doing flips and stuff anymore, I'll have to find some other active activity to keep me busy. I was gonna sign up for soccer or something, but all the club sign ups( in my area) were a month ago, and there are no spots available. For now I'm just joining in on what my Mom does everyday: Yoga. But I'm gonna have to switch over to something harder, because some of the stuff is for  people who aren't that flexible. I am actually( I'm not trying to brag!) pretty flexible.

Books read so far this year : 19
Emails recieved so far: 50
(Excluding socail network

This is probably the longest blog I have ever written so far! I am very glad I am doing BEDA this year.


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