a blog for wizards and muggles who need a Pensieve for Potter

Thursday, June 30, 2011


J.K. Rowling announced her new project a week ago. It's called Pottermore, as yo guys are probably aware of. It's pretty convenient though, isn't it? I mean, the movies are ending...everyone's all sad because they're worried about the Harry Potter fandom being over. And in all the Part 2 HP Trailers the recurring words are " It all ends." Then J.K. Rowling comes out with Pottermore, and is all like "  Er...Not really..." I'm not complaining! I'm psyched  about Pottermore!

 14 days 'til HP Part 2! I am soo excited about it. Are any of you guys going to the midnight premiere? I am most likely going to. Soo excited.

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