Hey guys! So I didn't know what to blog about, so I found this random " What's Your Favourite..." quiz online. ( The link to the website is : http://www.humorthatworks.com/how-to/50-questions-to-get-to-know-someone/) So here we go!
1. What was your favourite food as a child? Cheese pizza, and still is.
2. What's the #1 played song on your iPod/MP3? "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay
3. What is one of your favourite quotes? " The weapon we have is love"
4. What's your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? Reading,singing,chilling when I should be doing homework...
5. What chore do you absolutely hate doing? The dishes
6. What is your favourite form of exercise? Playing sports like soccer and gymnastics
7. What is you favourite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? Right before I go to sleep because that's the time of day when I chill out and read, and listen to podcasts. My favourite day of the week is Friday, favourite month is December
8. What's your least favourite form of transportation? City bus. The city buses in my town aren't very reliable.
9. What is your favourite body part? Hmm, I'd say eyes and legs
10. What sound do you love? Coldplay music, and rain against your window